如果個性也能左右創作風格的話,這場音樂會,絕對「熱力四射」!德國作曲家貝多芬的生平遭遇,再加上對於現實社會與權貴階層的叛逆態度,讓他成了他那一代的「憤青」,反映在他的音樂裡,往往是有稜有角的性格。西元1801 年發表的普羅米修斯的創造物,敘述普羅米修斯以泥土創造人類,並且賦予情感與靈性。舞劇開幕前的序曲,貝多芬寫得慷慨激昂,酣暢淋漓,相當引人入勝。相較之下,同為德國作曲家的舒曼,少了反社會個性,卻多了才情洋溢,他樂於活在自己的創作世界裡,可說是十九世紀前半的標準「文青」。1840 年代先後完成的A 小調鋼琴協奏曲以及第四號交響曲,充分展現了舒曼兼具熱情與抒情的浪漫個性。
「豐潤的音色。」 ─《舊金山古典之聲》2018
音樂舞台絕對佔有一席之地。」 ─奧地利《信使報》2017
指揮 里科‧斯卡尼
於 1984 年奪得柏林卡拉揚國際指揮大賽首獎。隔年在維洛納愛樂劇院初 次登台指揮歌劇,威爾第《一日國王》。隨後在巴黎歌劇院和維也納國 家歌劇院指揮《茶花女》、佩沙洛羅西尼歌劇節指揮《在義大利的土耳 其人》、費城歌劇院指揮帕華洛帝主演的《波希米亞人》。合作對象包 括紐約大都會歌劇院、漢堡國家歌劇院、里昂歌劇院、巴黎喜歌劇院, 以及羅馬、德勒斯登、科隆等地的歌劇公司。1985 至 2004 年擔任匈牙利 國家歌劇院首席客席指揮,1996 至 2005 年擔任布達佩斯愛樂樂團的音樂 總監與藝術顧問。於 2005 年獲頒匈牙利榮譽軍團獎,以表彰「超過二十 年來對匈牙利文化生活的卓越貢獻」。
Rico Saccani, Conductor
Rico Saccani won top prize in the Herbert von Karajan International Conducting Competition in 1984. The following year saw his operatic debut with Verdi's Un Giorno di Regno at the Teatro Filarmonico di Verona. Soon thereafter he led La Traviata at the Paris Opera and the Vienna State Opera, Il Turco in Italia at the Rossini Festival in Pesaro, and La Bohème at the Philadelphia Opera starring Luciano Pavarotti. Saccani has also appeared at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, the Hamburg State Opera, the Lyon Opera, the Arena de the Opéra Comique in Paris, and with companies in Rome, Dresden and Cologne. From 1985 to 2004 Saccani served as Principal Guest Conductor of the Hungarian State Opera, and from 1996 to 2005 he was also Music Director and Artistic Adviser of the Budapest Philharmonic. In 2005 he received Hungary's Legion of Honor Award in recognition of ''distinguished contributions to Hungary's cultural life for over twenty years''.
鋼琴 白建宇
在林肯中心第一場紐約獨奏會後,即展開演出生涯,其曲目為全套拉威爾鋼 琴作品,並於卡內基音樂廳進行首度管絃樂團合作演出。曾與世界一流指揮 家合作,如梅塔、馬捷爾、楊頌斯、馬利納、薩瓦利許、賈維、余隆等。也 曾與各地樂團有過演出及錄音,包括倫敦交響、BBC 交響樂團、聖彼得堡 愛樂等。最近演出含紐約愛樂、琉森音樂節和柏林交響樂團合作演出,並於 卡內基音樂廳、史卡拉歌劇院、馬林斯基劇院以及歐亞各地舉行獨奏會。在 BMG、Decca 和 DG 有巴赫 / 布梭尼、史克里亞賓、李斯特、蕭邦、佛瑞、拉 赫瑪尼諾夫等錄音,以及全套普羅科菲夫鋼琴協奏曲。
Kun Woo Paik, piano
Kun Woo Paik’s international career took off soon after his first New York recital at the Lincoln Center, in which he performed the complete piano works by Maurice Ravel, and his orchestral debut at the Carnegie Hall. Throughout his distinguished career, Paik has collaborated with the most renowned conductors such as Zubin Mehta, Lorin Maazel, Mariss Jansons, Sir Neville Marriner, Wolfgang Sawallisch, Paavo Järvi, Ivan Fischer and Long Yu. He has performed and recorded extensively with orchestras all over the world including the London Symphony, BBC Symphony, St. Petersburg Philharmonic. Kun Woo Paik has recently performed with the New York Philharmonic, Lucerne and Berlin Symphony orchestras and given recitals at Carnegie Hall, La Scala, the Mariinsky Theatre and all over Asia and Europe. He has made numerous recordings with BMG, Decca and Deutsche Grammophon include pieces by Bach/Busoni, Scriabin, Liszt, Chopin, Fauré, Mussorgsky, Rachmaninoff, Beethoven, Schubert and the complete Prokofiev piano concerti.
12/01~12/07 兩廳院之友預購8折
12/8 正式啟售後優惠